Many people prefer using abstract desktop backgrounds as their desktop wallpaper since they allow you to stay focused on what matters: the foreground apps. It’s boring staying with the same wallpaper for months, but it also feels like wasting your time hunting down new abstract wallpaper. Why not try out Trianglify Wallpaper, an easy-to-use app that can make your desktop more exciting and somewhat dynamic?

With Trianglify Wallpaper, you can manually create abstract desktop backgrounds based on triangular shapes and add color to your desktop. You can also set it on auto and let it loose to create and place new wallpaper on your desktop automatically. Let’s see how.


Trianglify isn’t actually an app but is a library for creating abstract triangu lar-based wallpapers. There are many solutions based on it and even a web app, but if you’re on Linux, the best way to use it is through the Trianglify Wallpaper desktop app that we’ll use here. The desktop version adds an interface to the library’s parameters to customize the results and the automatic wallpaper rotation feature we mentioned earlier.

To install the app on Ubuntu and compatible distributions, use:

Alternatively, you can find the app in the software center with the name – Trianglify Wallpaper. Search for it and click on the green Install button to bring it on-board.

Are you on a distribution with no available packages of the app or don’t want to use Snap? You’ll probably still be able to run Trianglify Wallpaper since it’s a typical JavaScript/Vue app. You can download the app’s original code from its page at GitHub.

Triangles Everywhere!

After you install and run the app, you’ll meet its simple one-window interface.

On the left, you’ll see the Customize panel with a small set of options that affect the created wallpapers’ looks. At the top, you can set the resolution of the produced wallpapers. The tool will have automatically populated the fields with your desktop’s resolution. If you’re going to use it to make wallpaper for your own desktop, you don’t have to worry about changing those values.

Pattern Intensity implies a change in the triangles’ appearance. Still, that parameter seems to affect the distribution of color in the wallpaper.

With Triangle Variance, you can change the shape of the triangles and, as a result, make the produced wallpaper look more angular or organic.

Cell Size controls the size of the individual triangles.

The lowest value will produce small triangles that may not even be indistinguishable, depending on the palette used.

On the other hand, the largest setting will create an ultra-zoomed-in pattern that will inadvertently look less colorful.

Disable the Fill option, and the app will draw only the triangles’ outlines, creating a strikingly different result.

Drastically increasing the Stroke Width, under Fill, and using a large Cell Size can produce interesting graffiti-like patterns.

Using a small Stroke Width and Cell Size simultaneously has the opposite result: an intricate wireframe mesh.

Wallpapers on Auto

Instead of manually creating wallpapers, you can set Trianglify Wallpaper on auto. Start by adjusting to your liking the parameters, since the program uses them as a base. Then click on the Schedule tab on the top of its window to move to that set of options.

Trianglify Wallpaper can change your wallpaper automatically every minute if that’s what you wish.

Most people, though, will probably use one of the other schedule options the app offers – like enabling specific days on its Weekly schedule when they’d like a refreshed desktop. Note that there isn’t some option to enable or disable a particular schedule. The active one is selected and displayed on-screen. Also, keep in mind that the app needs to be active to change the wallpapers. Thus, you may want to add it to your startup sequence to run automatically whenever you log in.

Do you like the abstract desktop backgrounds produced by Trianglify Wallpaper? Tell us in the comments section below.

OK’s real life started at around 10, when he got his first computer - a Commodore 128. Since then, he’s been melting keycaps by typing 24/7, trying to spread The Word Of Tech to anyone interested enough to listen. Or, rather, read.

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