If you have been waiting patiently for Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare to come then you can get a glimpse of the game right now, if you own a PS4 that it. During Gamescom, it was revealed that an open alpha would begin this weekend for PS4 owners and it is a 2v2 mode.

Titled the “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – 2v2 Alpha” The developers are giving the PS4 owners a small glimpse into how the game will most likely be during launch.

How to Download Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – 2v2 Alpha

You will simply have to go to the PSN store and search “Call of Duty Modern Warfare”, which will show you the title of the game, once you find it. There will be an option to purchase the game, but you don’t have to. You can instead simply just scroll down and look below the pre-order screen until you see Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – 2v2 Alpha.

All you have to do now is select it and add it to your cart, and that’s about it. You will need to download the alpha and here’s how to do it.

To preload Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – 2v2 Alpha, all you need to do is download it from the PS4 library. The preload time has already begun which means that wherever you are, you can download it right now.

Once you have downloaded it, you can access it beginning tomorrow morning, so this will still give you ample amounts of time to get it downloaded and then go live when everyone else will.

This is all there is to know about how to How to Download Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – 2v2 Alpha. Make sure that you check out other guides as well.