Fall Guys is a multiplayer party game where you have to beat up to 60 other players to emerge as the only winner. It’s Battle Royale with a twist and a welcome one at that. Note that there are a few things you have to do to succeed like jumping, diving and grabbing opponents in Fall Guys. What grabbing does is that it will help you delay your enemy’s move towards victory. It’s a sneaky move but sometimes it ends up being very essential. So, in this guide, we will give you a quick explanation on how to grab opponents in Fall Guys easily.

Fall Guys: How To Grab Opponents Easily

No matter how cute everyone looks like, they are still your opponents and beating them all is your mission. During moments when you feel like you are falling behind, you can grab your foes, pull them back and lower their chances of winning. So, here’s how to grab opponents in Fall Guys.

  • On PS4, press and hold the R2 button
  • On PC, use the Shift Key

With these controls, your cute jelly bean will act in a not-so-cute manner and pull others away from winning. Use it smartly to slow down others, conveniently adding an extra layer of obstacles in their path. When you use it right before your opponent is about to jump, or use it near a gap, it will prove to be quite fruitful. Even during cooperative mini-games where you have to pluck your opponent’s tail, grabbing will help you win. If you’ve lost your own tail, you can grab those players who are trying to come after your teammate. It’s hilariously chaotic and that’s what makes this game so good.

How to Get out of a Grab?

If you are trying to grab someone, chances are that someone else might try to grab you too. In order to break out of it, you need to simply jump or move away from it. But be careful of your surroundings because if you move away and there’s nothing to stop you then you will fall.

So, that’s everything on how to grab opponents in Fall Guys easily and how to get out of a grab too. While you are here, find out if Fall Guys has Crossplay.